Vitinho, let it flow is like not putting obstacles, it is believing, trusting, dreaming again, perhaps in the right way, it is following your dreams without affecting others negatively.
Letting it flow is understanding that everything is right the way it is and that it could not or should be different. Letting it flow is understanding the signs, it is acting by not acting, it is stopping when asked, it is seeing what has been blind for a long time. It is listening to what everyone has to say and changing the focus when necessary. And yes, stop to think and stop not to think too, have fewer thoughts, more connection, less of the online and more of the real!
It is to be grateful for the opportunities given to yourself, all of them. It is doing your best in every moment.
To let it flow is not to stop, not to stagnate, not to fear, it is simply to flow with nature and with the things that present themselves!
From today on, I leave stubbornness aside, I prefer to let it flow!